
Donate to the Fountain Blues Foundation

Please consider donating.

The Fountain Blues Foundation, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, is organized to preserve and promote the indigenous American music known as the blues. Preservation activities may take a variety of forms, including live performances, broadcasts, lectures, and community education about the history of the blues, culminating in the longest running blues festival in the Bay Area: the San Jose Fountain Blues & Brews Festival that features a wide diversity of roots and blues styles.

The Foundation recently welcomed the long-established Silicon Valley Blues Society into the Foundation as an active partner in promoting and staffing Foundation events - and the San Jose Downtown Association and San Jose Jazz continue as key partners. An active, fundraising-focused Board of Directors hosts year-round events highlighting regional blues artists, helping engrain the blues in the fabric of the community and grow the notoriety and support for the blues.

Foundation Goals

  • Provide a platform for blues musicians to find live music performance opportunities, in a time of diminishing opportunities
  • Expose the broader music community to the blues, encouraging young artists/audiences of all ages to learn about the genre
  • Create opportunities for musicians to find mentorship and music industry experiences that can promote professional artistic growth
  • Partner with local venues/merchants to promote the blues art form
  • Support economic development in San Jose by including local venues and merchants in Foundation programming

Donations can be made online or by mailing a check to:

Fountain Blues Foundation

PO Box 430, San Jose, CA 95103

Thank you.